Having not posted since Halloween, I have a bit of catching up to do. It would take me forever to write up all that has been going on, so I hope to use mostly pictures to update you on our latest adventures. I was going to just do one big huge post, but as I'm looking through pictures and remember the good times we've had it's looking like it's going to take more than that.
After Halloween was Thanksgiving, which was nice. We spent the day (which was a beautiful one!) outdoors enjoying the weather and all the beautiful world around us. That evening, we celebrated with several families from church and had a really nice time. There was lots of food and good company, what more could one ask for!
Christmastime was really nice. We stayed here in MS and did our own thing this year. We decided to keep things pretty simple, so we started with an Erik-proof
Christmas tree...
and an Erik-proof nativity scene or two.
We went with some friends on a drive to see the Christmas lights in Woodland, MS. The whole town was lit up and it was really fun to see all the lights!
Remember I said we were going simple this year? Well, thanks to our friends and family we had enough presents to bury our little tree. It barely poked out above the pile. Most of them were for Erik, but it was so fun to watch him enjoy them.
Christmas morning was a lot of fun. We skyped with Erik's Grandpa and Grandma Richins while we opened presents. He especially loved the dog from Great Grandma Mower and the shape sorter from Aunt Kate.
One of our other favorite things to do when school is not in session is to hit the playground at the nearby elementary school. It's close enough to walk to and they have a whole area designed specially for toddlers and young children. Erik loves it!
Just as we were finishing at the playground, Erik sat right in a mud puddle. I decided to let him walk for a few minutes to dry off before sticking him in the stroller. He noticed these two on the road ahead of us and took off to try to catch them.
"Hey guy with the dog, wait for me!!!!!!!" |