I started this blog when we moved to Mississippi so we could share our adventures. We are no longer in Mississippi, but we still like to think of life as an adventure!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Noxubee Again...
I was sitting around Saturday morning while Ethan was gone doing something for school and I pulled out the newspaper to see what was going on around here. I noticed an ad for a free canoeing activity out at the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge. It said they'd provide everything we'd need, all we had to do was show up. As soon as Ethan walked in the door I grabbed him and the baby and we headed out. We were worried about having to stand in line with everyone else in town to get into the canoes, but it turned out not to be a problem. There was a home football game that day and so most of the town was too busy with that to know that anything else in the world even existed. We drove through campus on our way out of town just to see all the people.
The tailgating here starts the day before the game and doesn't end until the game does. There are people everywhere!

When we got to Noxubee we were headed around the end of the lake towards the western shore where the boats were waiting when Ethan noticed this little guy hanging out on the eastern shore of the lake.
It's hard to tell exactly how big this guy is with the way his tail is curled to the side, but we decided that he's atleast 8 feet long and probably more than that. My mom didn't appreciate my excited phone call to tell her we were looking at a gator, mostly because I followed that bit of info with the fact that we were getting ready to take her first grandson out onto the same lake in a canoe. Apparently she was a bit unsettled the rest of the day. :)
The canoeing was a blast. We were worried they wouldn't let us take Erik out, but they didn't have any problem with it. We put his car seat in the bottom of the boat and away we went. The cypress trees are changing color for the fall and they were all really pretty.
We were paddling along when all the sudden Ethan says, "what's this thing?". I look down in the water and inches from my hand I see this grayish brown scaly thing and I completely freak out! My first thought is that it's an alligator, then when I realize it's not one I think it's a huge snake. Ethan's trying to pull the thing out of the water with his paddle to get a look at it and all I can think is how mad he must be making the thing and that we're all going to flip into the water and get eaten by something.
I turned out to be a plant of some kind. Once I finally calmed down again, it was kind of interesting to look at.
We saw lots of Great Blue Herons and Snowy Egrets and all sorts of other waterfowl. There were turtles that would poke their heads out and watch us go by. It was all really beautiful and I wish I'd remembered sunscreen so we could've stayed out there longer. 

As always with our adventures, Erik slept through the whole thing. Someday he'll be so sad that he missed all this!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Pumpkin Palooza
Friday night we went to the Pumpkin Palooza. It's a city Halloween party that they have every year here. They block off a section of main street and have all kinds of fun. Kids can get all dressed up and go trick or treating to all the businesses on the street. You can buy a pumpkin and decorate it with all kinds of fun things. It's just a really fun evening for everyone.
We scrounged around and came up with a costume for Erik. He wasn't too inpressed with it all but everyone thought he was pretty cute.
One fun thing was the manequins in all the shop windows. Don't they look so life-like?
These girls are from the fashion department at the University here. They were in all the clothes stores and it was really fun to see. They did an awesome job looking like manequins. In fact, there was one store that had some of the models in it and some actual manequins and it was really hard to tell the difference.
We had a really good time just wandering around watching the crowd and seeing what all the little shops had to offer...
...Erik did get a little tired of the whole thing though and decided to call it quits.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Due to the crazy food prices around here, Ethan and I have joined Sam's Club and make a monthly pilgrimige to Tupelo to do our grocery shopping. It's an hour drive but it's a pretty one. My favorite thing about it is that there are lots of wide open spaces, at least they're wide open for Mississippi. There are lots of farms along the way and it's so nice to be able to look out over the fields and not have to just stare at the trees flashing by.
Once you get to Tupelo though, you are back into the trees. In fact you can hardly see the town for the trees.
This picture was taken right off the exit into downtown Tupelo.
So here's a bit of trivia. Did you know that Elvis was born in Tupelo Mississippi? We saw signs advertising his birthplace so we went to check it out. It was a fun little detour, but nothing too exciting.
This is possibly the same kind of car that the Presley family used to move from Tupelo to Memphis. It may have been a different car, but they weren't sure so they picked this one for display outside the museum.

We could have toured the inside of the house, but somehow we didn't think it was big enough to hold $12/person worth of intrest.
I don't know though, maybe Ethan wishes I weren't so cheap...
Did you know that not only could he sing, play the guitar, and star in movies, but Elvis was also a great babysitter!! :)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
More of Erik
So here's a few more pictures for you. Erik has been smiling for real for a few weeks now, but he doesn't like the camera so I've had a hard time getting a picture of it. He was super happy this morning though, and not even the camera could wipe the smiles off his face. 

Erik's biggest goal right now is mastering hand control. He wants so badly to be able to get those yummy fingers into his mouth to suck on! He'll work and work and get them in there, and then get excited, wave his arms around, and then have to start all over again.
We were in JoAnn's looking for a halloween costume pattern for Erik. He wasn't too thrilled with the whole thing. He started fussing the minute we walked in the door and stopped shortly after we walked out. I guess Ethan's dislike of this type of store is genetic.
Just recently, Erik has started rolling from his tummy to his back. It still kind of surprises him every time he does it.
Just recently, Erik has started rolling from his tummy to his back. It still kind of surprises him every time he does it.
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