
Thursday, June 30, 2016


May began with a whole lot of endings for us. First was the end of Erik's first year of public school. For one last grand hurrah we loaded all his schoolmates up took them on a field trip to Deming to see the circus. They had a marvelous time!
 The older kids got to ride an elephant, but it was too expensive for everyone to get to do, so the littles all got to ride on this train. They thought it was just as cool as riding an elephant, silly kids!

 The last week of school the kids had pretty much mentally checked out already, so they took lots of breaks to do things like this instead:
 The very last day of school was a sad one for Erik. He loves school so much and has been asking ever since when he gets to go back. Here are pictures of his first day and his last day, just for fun.
August 2015
May 2016
  Another thing that came to an end (for the summer at least) was Kid's Church. Our town is so tiny that all the kids love to get together no matter what the setting, so Erik has been attending Kid's for Christ at our local Presbyterian church. For the big end of the year party they all got to go to the McKeen's ranch north of Alma and have a great party. They had a ton of fun!

My baby brother graduated from High School this month, so the kids and I headed down to Animas to help him celebrate. Like a dork though I forgot to take pictures at graduation, but I did get some of my kids with their Payne Great-Grandparents.
 Also this month we got to enjoy another visit from Nate and Kate. We took a picnic up to the newly re-opened Catwalk and then enjoyed the walk up to the end of the new trail. It's so pretty up there, I'm so excited to have this just a few minutes up the road!

 We asked a passer-by to snap a picture of us all and, while he took several, they all came out blurry. Oh well, it's better than nothing I guess.
 After the walk we turned the kids loose in the creek for some fun. They had a blast!

 Somewhere in all the fun this month we also managed to survive hail storms, a tooth infection, being forced to wean the baby, and lots of colds and sniffles.
 All in all though, it was a great month with lots of good memories made.

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