
Friday, December 16, 2011

Scattertown Trail

A few weekends ago we were bored and decided to go for another ramble through the woods. This time we took the Scattertown trail, which winds along the tops of hills in the Bevils Hill area. It was a pretty fun walk, and while the hills weren't huge, they were enough to force us to stop and catch our breath every once in a while. Again, we had to keep a sharp eye out for the trail, all the fallen leaves made it hard to tell sometimes where the trail was. This is looking back down one of the hills at the trail.
Between the brown leaves on the ground, the brown tree trunks all around, and the brown branches overhead, it at first seemed like everything was brown. I was a little worried when we started out that it was going to be a somewhat boring hike, at least as far as the scenery was concerned. It was really fun though, to notice little splashes of color in places I may not have noticed had there been more to look at all around. It was fun to hunt for the little interesting details along the trail. Here are just a few things I found. This tree was really pretty. The picture doesn't capture the vibrant orange of the leaves very well, but it was really cool looking. Next we have several examples of some really cool lichen that we found.

This little guy was hiding in the leaves along the trail. I thought it looked cool just barely poking up through the leaf litter.

After we finished our ramblings, we decided to go check out Loakfoma Lake. Loakfoma is in Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, and is right next to Bluff Lake where we saw our alligator last time. Loakfoma is smaller than Bluff Lake and has more birds this time of year. You can't get right down on the shores of the lake, but there is a outlook point with binoculars so you can sit and watch the birds. It was a somewhat rainy, wet day so we sat in the little shelter at the outlook at watched the rain and the ducks and just enjoyed being outside. While we were there a bit of fog started creeping in on the shores of the lake and it was really pretty to watch.
We may be far from home, but this sure is a pretty neat place to be. We're really enjoying experiencing this whole new world.

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