
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Due to the crazy food prices around here, Ethan and I have joined Sam's Club and make a monthly pilgrimige to Tupelo to do our grocery shopping. It's an hour drive but it's a pretty one. My favorite thing about it is that there are lots of wide open spaces, at least they're wide open for Mississippi. There are lots of farms along the way and it's so nice to be able to look out over the fields and not have to just stare at the trees flashing by. Once you get to Tupelo though, you are back into the trees. In fact you can hardly see the town for the trees. This picture was taken right off the exit into downtown Tupelo.

So here's a bit of trivia. Did you know that Elvis was born in Tupelo Mississippi? We saw signs advertising his birthplace so we went to check it out. It was a fun little detour, but nothing too exciting.
This is possibly the same kind of car that the Presley family used to move from Tupelo to Memphis. It may have been a different car, but they weren't sure so they picked this one for display outside the museum.

We could have toured the inside of the house, but somehow we didn't think it was big enough to hold $12/person worth of intrest.
I don't know though, maybe Ethan wishes I weren't so cheap...
Did you know that not only could he sing, play the guitar, and star in movies, but Elvis was also a great babysitter!! :)

Not only did we miss out on the tour of the house, but for an extra $3 we could've gone inside Elvis's childhood church and sat through a fake church service modeled after the ones he would have attended. They put on these fake services every 15 minutes every day.

Maybe I wasn't willing to pay three bucks to go to Elvis's church, but I might've thought about it if that had included the use of his out house...


  1. What a cute post. I love the picture with Elvis holding Eric. I'll bet that if the sculptor of such a public statue would have given just a little more thought to how said public might have used his statue, he just might have changed the orientation of that right arm. This is a classic picture. People of a certain age would certainly pay the money, but I've never been that much of a fan. Love you all!

  2. That's so cool how Elvis is holding Erik's car seat!!!

  3. I quite literally sat here laughing out loud at Elvis holding Erik. That's the best picture I've seen in a while, too funny. Props to you guys.
